Hosting Point

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Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


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Fast & Secure Shared Hosting
In Pakistan

Trusted by more than 500 Clients Nation & International wide.

Choose Your Perfect Plan

Feature-Packed and Cost-Effective Hosting Packages for Your Website with 1 click 100+ Apps Installer.

Hatchling Plan


Same price when you renew

  • 1 Website
  • 50 GBs SSD Disk Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL
  • Unlimited Sub Domains
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Free sitemap generator
  • 1 Click Script Installers (1O0+)
  • 1 Tbps+ DDoS Protection
  • Brute Force Login Protection
  • Malware Scanner
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 99.9% Service Uptime
Order Now

Standard Plan


Same price when you renew

  • 2 Websites
  • 75 GBs SSD Disk Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL
  • Unlimited Sub Domains
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Free sitemap generator
  • 1 Click Script Installers (1O0+)
  • 1 Tbps+ DDoS Protection
  • Brute Force Login Protection
  • Malware Scanner
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 99.9% Service Uptime
Order Now

Master Plan


Same price when you renew

  • 5 Websites
  • 100 GBs SSD Disk Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Free SSL
  • Unlimited Sub Domains
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Free sitemap generator
  • 1 Click Script Installers (1O0+)
  • 1 Tbps+ DDoS Protection
  • Brute Force Login Protection
  • Malware Scanner
  • 24/7/365 Support
  • 99.9% Service Uptime
Order Now

Discover Our Web Hosting Features

cPanel Access

Free SSL Certificate

PHP Version Control

Free Migration

Regular Backups

Access Management

Speed Optimization

DDoS Protection

LiteSpeed Server

Integrated with more than 100+
applications you love








Shared Hosting FAQs

Discover Everything You Need to Know About Shared Hosting.

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting service where multiple websites are hosted on a single physical server. Each website on the server shares the server's resources, including CPU, disk space, and memory.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Shared hosting plans are usually more affordable compared to other types of hosting, making them ideal for individuals and small businesses with limited budgets.
  • Ease of use: Shared hosting providers typically offer user-friendly control panels and tools for managing websites, making it easy for beginners to set up and maintain their websites.
  • Maintenance: The hosting provider is responsible for server maintenance and management, including software updates, security patches, and hardware maintenance, relieving website owners of these tasks.
  • Limited resources: Since resources are shared among multiple websites, the performance of your website may be affected by the activities of other websites on the same server, especially during peak traffic periods.
  • Less control: Shared hosting users have limited control over server settings and configurations compared to users of dedicated or VPS hosting.
  • Security concerns: Shared hosting environments pose a higher security risk compared to dedicated hosting, as a security breach on one website can potentially affect other websites on the same server.

Shared hosting is suitable for individuals, small businesses, and organizations with relatively low-traffic websites that do not require a high level of server resources or customization. It's also a good option for those who are just starting out and want an affordable hosting solution without the complexity of managing a server.

Yes, most hosting providers offer the option to upgrade to VPS hosting or dedicated hosting as your website grows and requires more resources and flexibility. They usually provide easy migration paths to transition your website from shared hosting to a more robust hosting solution.